Let him join, and you'll have another powerful warrior to add to the mix. Once you do, you can let him go free, or you can let him join the party. Engage him in conversation once more, and see if you can set him free. With it in hand, you can then head back to Sten's location at point A on the map. No matter which course of persuasion you attempt to take with the Revered Mother, you'll find that you'll get the key to Sten's cage easily enough. Nonetheless, there are numerous ways to get the Revered Mother to release Sten to you, including declaring the Grey Warden's Right of Conscription, to simply threatening her. Ask her what Sten did - she'll tell you that he killed an entire family at a nearby farmstead, and even admitted to it when probed. If you spoke with her already, then you can get through the pleasantries quickly. Enter the Chantry, head to the back end of the building, and go rightward to find the Revered Mother. Travel to location B on the map after you've spoken with Sten. So there's really absolutely no reason not to undertake this brief, simplistic side quest. If you're curious why you want to let him go, it's because he's a powerful warrior who will join your party once you do. If you're sympathetic in your conversation with him, you'll ultimately be able to tell him that you'll go talk to the Revered Mother back at the Chantry, to try to secure his release. After all, the Darkspawn are on their way towards Lothering, and it doesn't seem that anyone has any intention of letting him go free. Sten won't speak much at length about just why he's been locked up and left to fend for himself, but it appears that the Chanters have effectively left him to die. This man is a prisoner of the Chantry, and as you speak with him, you'll learn that his name is Sten. This subreddit and its mods are in no way associated with BioWare or EA.At location A on the map we've provided, you'll find a man in a cage. Each paragraph must be spoiler tagged separately or these tags won't work.How to use spoiler tags: >!spoiler here!< Please don't spoil any other, non-Dragon Age media released within the last year Please respect others users' wishes to not be spoiled, especially pertaining to leaked materials

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Bigotry, sexism, racism, homophobia, etc. English The Qunari Prisoner Edit Quest The Qunari Prisoner Location Lothering Start Sten End Sten Other NPCs Revered Mother Appearances Dragon Age: Origins Just outside the north end of Lothering proper, a Qunari warrior named Sten has been imprisoned for killing a family.